About Imagine and Move Workshops
What are Imagine and Move workshops?
Imagine and Move dance workshops aim to unlock children's imaginations through taking them on a journey of exploration of their bodies and minds. Each workshop begins with a story, which is later retold by the children through movement. This is an immersive experience, using music and props, and allows the children to feel as though they are stepping onto the pages of the book and becoming part of the story.
Workshops start with the story being read - this is followed by a creative warm up, the main body of the workshop, and a cool down. Each workshop ends with a reflective time, allowing the children to discuss the key themes from the story. Themes either follow a set series, such as school values or environmental issues, or can be tailor made to the requirements of the establishment.
Where do the workshops take place?
The workshops take place in school and community settings in Bristol and surrounding areas and generally last between 30 and 45 minutes, although timings can be flexible.
Who are the workshops for?
The workshops are aimed at children in children centres, nursery/pre-school settings and reception classes, and in some early years settings will also involve the parents/caregivers.
What are the benefits of the workshops?
Imagine and Move workshops have a number of physical, social and emotional benefits for children. Please click below to find out more.
How do I book a workshop?
If you are interested in finding out more about Imagine and Move workshops or would like to book a workshop please click below to get in touch.